NAME: David Godfrey
What drives you to make a difference?
We have reached a tipping point in history where technology is widespread across all areas of life. It is important we demystify technology, encourage participation and increase awareness. We need knowledgeable debate and I am driven to encourage a deeper understanding and to enable the future, rather than be held back.
What set you on the path to becoming a leader?
I have always been amazed at what can be achieved when you create a team that truly collaborates. The best outcomes are achieved by teams that consider all the options and debate ideas. Often as a leader you may know what needs to be achieved but don’t necessarily know how. This is where a high performing team can complement each other with their areas of expertise.
What’s the most important leadership lesson you’ve learned?
Don’t be ‘the’ expert, rely on the experts around you for their knowledge. Leaders should set the direction, then support teams and their management to work through the options and find a way forward. Leaders are decision makers too, but the key role is empowering those around you to make decisions.
How do you motivate your team?
How you engage your team and build a high performing team is the most important part of my role.
It is important to share the direction of the company and the teams part in enabling that. I advocate continuous improvement and transparent communication. It is vital to acknowledge great work and celebrate success on a regular basis. Get it right, and the commitment to deliver is second nature.
What is your approach to problem solving?
First, listen and then ask questions. Bring together the relevant people to work through an issue and consider options. Methodically work through the implications of each option and then ensure everyone understands the reason for choosing the final outcome. I’m also aware that as a leader I set the tone for the team, and this is even more important in a pressurised situation.
What inspires you?
I’m inspired by people’s stories of persistence, dedication, commitment, doubt and self-belief. Also, when someone is driven to do something and is focused on the outcome, not whether they will fail.
If they do fail, they learn from the experience and keep moving forward. It’s a great approach to life.
Favourite productivity tip?
Stop procrastinating and just do it! If I find myself procrastinating, I knuckle down and do it. I remind myself that it’s either something I need to do, or it shouldn’t be on my list.