TechLeader Executive Luncheon

Auckland, New Zealand

How can industry and the education system work together to ensure young people have the skills needed for the future of work? An invitation only luncheon for TechLeader Executive Members. At this event we will be exploring the topic of: "How can industry and the education system work together to ensure young people have the … Continue reading "TechLeader Executive Luncheon"

TechLeader Executive Luncheon

An invitation only luncheon for TechLeader Executive Members. The discussion topic for this event will be announced closer to the time. Please contact us if you have any queries about this event.

TechLeader Networking Event

Auckland Auckland, New Zealand

Hear from keynote speaker, Paul Conway, BNZ Economist. Paul will be discussing topics raised in his recent white paper and providing his views on the economic recovery post-Covid. Please note this is a TechLeader member only event. For membership enquiries please contact
